Riverdance The Animated Adventure

A young Irish boy named Keegan and Spanish girl named Moya journey into a magical world of the Megaloceros Giganteus who teach them to appreciate Rive ..
Starring:Pierce Brosnan, Sam Hardy, Hannah Herman Cortes
Creators:Dave Rosenbaum, Eamonn Butler
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"Riverdance The Animated Adventure" ... A young Irish boy named Keegan and Spanish girl named Moya journey into a magical world of the Megaloceros Giganteus who teach them to appreciate Riverdance as a celebration of life. Based on the stage show phenomenon of the same name and featuring Bill Whelan’s multi-platinum Grammy Award-winning music..

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Riverdance The Animated Adventure

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Riverdance The Animated Adventure

Riverdance The Animated Adventure

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Release Date
Animation, Fantasy, Music
Added in
January 26, 2024
Pierce Brosnan Sam Hardy Hannah Herman Cortes Lilly Singh Jermaine Fowler

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